Children's Ministries

are developed to provide appropriate instruction in God’s word and opportunities to apply their learning through a variety of experiences. Experienced and committed adults interested in sharing the “Good News” with our children and youth do the instruction. These ministries are provided Wednesday evenings in the church Fellowship Hall and the youth buildings from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. There is no cost to attend, but there may be a charge for some special activities.

Children's Church
Age graded instruction is offered during the Sunday Service from age 2 through sixth grade.
Available during Sunday School (age 0-2) and the Sunday service (0-3)
Meeting on Wednesday nights at 6:45, AWANA is an established and effective program with planned activities and age graded curriculum for children from 3 to 12 years old.

Children′s Ministries are developed to provide appropriate instruction in God’s word and opportunities to apply their learning through a variety of experiences. Experienced and committed adults interested in sharing the “Good News” with our children and youth do the instruction. These ministries are provided Wednesday evenings in the church Fellowship Hall and the youth buildings from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. There is no cost to attend, but there may be a charge for some special activities.

  • Children’s Church – Age graded instruction is offered during the Sunday Service from age 2 through sixth grade.
  • Nursery – Available during Sunday School (age 0-2) and the Sunday service (0-3)..
  • AWANA – Meeting on Wednesday nights at 6:30, AWANA is an established and effective program with planned activities and age graded curriculum for children from 3 to 12 years old.
  • VBS – Vacation Bible School is a weeklong activity for elementary aged children of our church family and the community under the auspices of our Christian Education Board. The “Good News” is shared in a variety of ways appropriate for each child’s age level. The program is staffed from within our church family and led by experienced teachers. VBS is usually presented in late June or mid-July and there is no charge to attend